A word used to express that something tastes good.
by YummY February 15, 2004
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This hot sneaker that comes in a variety of different colors. Made by some graffiti artist but owned by Souljaboy tellem.
I just bought me some new yums bruh.
by MizzTeeTee April 24, 2008
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A word used to describe how awesome a food can be
Dude! those olive garden breadstickes were yum. i had a foodgasm!
by That one guy 789789789 March 22, 2011
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Similar to the term cool as, 'yum as' is a personal expression of good tasting food, or anything for that matter.

Antonym: Not yum as
Random: Ewwww....Spaghetti on toast?!?! Thats disgusting!!!
Me: No way man! It's yum as!
by Joe and friend January 24, 2007
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an affectionate term for a friend or someone of the opposite sex you find attractive
female me: hey yum, hows it going
female friend: meh im doing alright, a little tired

hot male friend: hey lady what are you doing tonight?
female me: oh hey yum, no plans. you up for something?
hot male friend: sure give me a call later
by delores haze November 21, 2005
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default word for something awesome and deliciously inappropriate
by Vicious_Vuhjaina November 22, 2015
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(verb) To eat; to consume. Also, yummin'.
Why you yumming on all the pizza, nigga?
by xxswagmonster58 August 30, 2016
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