If you looked this up you're obviously bored in class with nothing to do.
Jerry: dang I'm so bored, lets look up Youtube on Urban Dictionary, Why not!?
by Jeremiah Swope September 30, 2019
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The reason us humans are evolving backwards it has been scientificly proven by @LeafyIsHere That YouTube is complete shit filled with "cyberbullies,unoriginal content, and "social experiments"
Look at Leafys video osrry cant show links look up The Most Disqusting video Leafy is here ← Society today Copy this link the word doesn't need a definition. YouTube
by Moona! April 12, 2016
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A website that peaked in 2015-2016
Holy fuck, my entire YouTube recommended section is MrBeast and ROBLOX!
by 1H4TENI88ERS November 1, 2022
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The worst video sharing website where you can see shirtlesshot videos and gay movies! (the best is PornHub)

YouTube kids, everyone knows this.

• Removing Hearts, now YouTube is focused on no one not even the creators, the only way to do this is to go to yOuTuBe sTuDiO
• "It's not a mistake, ✨IT'S A MASTERPIECE✨, ur a mistake
• Ayo 😳, actually good.

YouTube is a place where you can share videos and have fun around the world! *enter sarcastic tone* I swear if your from the future, I bet YouTube removed comments too.
My kid started watching YouTube kids, he became an emo after that for no reason.
by Somebluedude69 January 15, 2022
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A site where you can upload your own videos and watch other peoples. Like MTV but you can choose what music you want, or just watch something random. Also full of homemade music videos, and films made for fun or to promote new film makers.
It's MUCH BETTER than television and provides a way to experience "media" without everything being controlled by "Them" (i.e. government, big business, and Rupert Murdoch.)
Let's face it, television is mostly abject propaganda, and YouTube is a way for real people to talk about things that matter, not what The Corporation want you to watch. Also of course you can watch fights, car crashes, and people doing stupid things, comedy animals, rants, documentaries about 9/11 being an inside job, etc etc, and indeed etc.
The big mystery of YouTube is - how come there isnt any Porn on it? Surely they can't watch everything that's uploaded? It's a mystery and I want answers! Luckilyu there is also such a thing as pornotube.
YouTube could become the replacement for television one day.
Sean Bedlam is pretty amusing too sometimes.
by Bob Beefhole March 8, 2007
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God damn it! I'm addicted to YouTube, and now I got 56k speed!
by -Tazer- September 13, 2007
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Where all the clickbait and cringe comes from...
Wow man YouTube has so much clickbait
by JulioIsDeadInside September 14, 2018
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