A weird but cool person. He's corny with pickup lines.
"Did you just fart bc you blew me away" - Nation

"Ummm no, don't ever say that again" -girl
by Rainbow.sparkle.princess June 1, 2018
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a word that can be used in place of words you can't think of when you are excited
Dude that nation bitch is nation...damn she was so freaking nation.
by Hey Sixman May 6, 2005
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The tactic of telling one group of poor people that they're better than another group of poor people, in order to get them to focus on fighting that group instead of noticing that you're robbing them blind.
"OMG I thought Trump was gonna make America great again for real Americans like me but he just voted to give a big handout to Wall Street, WTF"

"Lol maybe stop falling for every single demagogue who uses nationalism to control people?"
by Catty McGee December 5, 2017
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African Mauritians - Blacks
Alle faire nation boure toi!

Ta nation
by ho ho ho hi hi hi ha ha ha February 14, 2009
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adj. meaning another word for cool or sick
Guy 1 - "why is mike still in the hot tub?"
Guy 2 - " because he's too nation to get out"
by R2D2pac May 3, 2008
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"It's the energy, it's the desire...it's what wants to be done, what needs to be done, and what will probably get done."
What's going on for the night? Drink Nation!
by The Boob July 8, 2003
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