A person (Usually a male) who devotes a LOT for a girl who ignores/barely notices his efforts for her. Referred to by Gawr Gura as "Shrimp"
Person: Someone just donated $100,000 to this girl, what a simp!
Gawr Gura: Simp? Do you mean shrimp? I know what shrimp means
by FemboysAreBest October 5, 2020
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Someone who does everything possible to become a puss slayer
A dude who puts the girl before him for everything
Short for simpleton
Nick: Eliot Pick is an absolute simp!
AT: I know, isnt this like the 4th freshman he has tried to simp for this week?
by Autism68 March 13, 2020
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A person who puts women above them.
Commonly associated with the name Derek.
"Derek is such a simp for Tayla."
by fuzzyboi June 9, 2020
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People with the name Matthew.
Matthew has been simping for Emma for ages.
by heeheeniqqa July 18, 2020
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A man who gives everything for a woman in which will give nothing in return
“Jake denis A carew is a simp for female contact”.
by BIGSIMP.72 March 24, 2020
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- a male who ignores bros and goes out of their way to be with a girl
- a male who rejects plans with the boys for the girl
by Simp Patrol February 24, 2020
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