Ugly or fat girls that hang around an attractive or many attractive girls in order to reap the benefits of having slack jawed guys following them around.
You're at the bar and there's this hot girl, but she has like 3 ugly orbiter girl friends hanging around her.
They're just following her because the guys to go the pretty one and the uggies hope that her table scraps (guys she doesn't want) will pick them up after being rejected.
by ChaseM March 8, 2008
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another way of saying, "no matter what."

at the end of every orbit commercial, the british lady says "a good clean feeling, no matter what."
i love you, orbit
by Adeyinka June 10, 2011
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Something that is oudated, out of touch, out of fashion. Has a lot to do with planet and astrology.. e.g. so and so planet orbits around so and so.. and in the process so and so is defined/created. So yeah! :\
Rosemary: I'm still playing my classic PS 1
John: You're so orbit.
Rosemary: Are you calling me a planet?
John: At least they're rounder than your "so and so".. (breast)
by Believe in Me May 4, 2004
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A cheat tactic by Welch, to spin up Orbit's weapon before the start of the battle, as a desperate way to try to win a battle against Cobra.
"Drivers ready?"
**Orbit's weapon starts spinning**
**Cobra rams into Orbit, after 30 seconds and flips Orbit over**
by LordPayOut April 3, 2006
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The skinnier females that orbit around the fat girl in various settings, such as at a bar or lounge scene, or a nightclub, etc...
Go distract the fat girl by buying her some finger food at the bar, while we pick up the three cute orbiters and meet you in front in 15 minutes.
by LAFF July 24, 2005
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Orbit is a character from the sprite comic Silver Koopa and friends. He uses plasma based attacks and is believed to be the plasma god.
by RandomGuy March 29, 2005
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The non Alpha Male who hovers (or orbits) around and pedestalizes women in hopes they can get their foot in the door and get chosen or laid.
That guy is always cheesing in women's faces and "liking" their Facebook posts...such a typical Beta Orbiter.
by PedatEbediyah February 2, 2015
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