playing with a women's pussy using (toys hands fruits)
Selena's so horny every morning I see a video of her doing masturbation on Pornhub
by love florida February 28, 2016
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The act of one touching and rubbing their genitals to induce sexual pleasure, often to the point of orgasm.
The most common age group to engage in this act are teens and young adults. Research show that the average age for one to start is 12.8, and the average for one to finally stop is 29.6. In some religions, particularly Christianity, masturbation is considered a sin.
A very common act for teens to do is masturbation.
by brianbuddy2 ACP December 23, 2018
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Rick: Did you see John working out?

Steve: Yeah, he is totally masturbating his ego.

Self improvement is masturbation, self destruction on the hand...
by Raakam_revolver September 12, 2012
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Playing with your genitals while thinking of a tractor.
Masturbation...on the farm...success.
by Curiousss June 8, 2009
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To stroke your penis, causing you to ejaculate, now commonly referred to as fapping
Jim: Masturbation is a GREAT way to pleasure yourself
by FluffyMan20 January 27, 2016
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the 5 finger knuckle shuffle, waxing the pud... and so on
Tom is the sea captain, He's also good at putting bait on the hook... making him the masturbater
by the austinator April 4, 2003
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something people do when their lover is not around
by Anonymous March 27, 2003
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