Joo Young is a mythical creature from chinese legend said to have a box containing all of his powers, called the juju box. He lost it millenia ago, and continues to look for it. He still has many powers, but he is not omnipotent anymore.
We are lucky that Joo Young is a friendly entity, or else when he finds his juju box, we will all be doomed.
by chinese_expert April 19, 2009
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Some caillou looking retard who likes sarah joo and is a try hard and is garenteed no pussy
Haha look it is john joo
by DonkeyBallz December 11, 2017
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Something that is off putting, something that you dont want touching you or on your clothes. You whimper when it touches a small portion of your skin, or your mouth.
That Jibbi Joo gives me Jibblys.

Keep that Jibbi Joo off me
That fucking Jibbi Joo is all over me
by Smallzx2 September 27, 2018
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The most amazing girl you will ever meet. Very 4D and lovingly strange. Comes from a planet full of syrup, candy, chocolate and nekkid men. Her dream is to go to neverland and be young like Peter Pan forever.
That girl's Joo Hyun. She's so beautiful.
by NinjaYuffie September 26, 2010
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Nonsensicale words: derived from "jibberish"
This first amendment sounds like a bunch of beaurocratic jibbery joo.
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A childish word for a lie that seems stupid, obvious and that no one thinks is real

Commonly used by people who can't think of any other words to say, and just dome up with it on the spot
"I think of this as a bunch of bureaucratic jibery-joo"

"I think that your idea is jibery-joo"
by Jimmy Balmar April 14, 2009
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He is hidden all rounder boy. He can sing, dance and rap well, nothing that he can't do. Physical?? He was in Basketball club backthen. Hmm Academic?? He was in reading debate club too. Smart, handsome, tall, sexy. Molrangdans 몰랑단 are the luckiest fangirl in this world
Joo Changuk has Molrangdans which is his fanclub name. They name themselves as molrangdan because they know nothing about Changuk at first but still choose to love him.
by 카이츄 March 6, 2020
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