A pleasant alternative to other, more vulgar terms that are derived from physical intimacies. A watered-down explicative. A term to be used when innocent ears are around or when the setting dictates that obscenities not be used (i.e. business lunch, meeting with parole officer, picking up the kids at daycare.)
Man 1: "Hey ya dumb SOB, that was my parking spot!"
Woman 1 (in Minivan with kids) "Yea, well go hug yourself"

Man 1: "My wife just left me."
Man 2: "Man, that really hugs."

Parole Officer 1: "The judge just rescinded your parole cuz your still addicted to crack and you knocked over that liquor store."

Reprobate 1: "Man, that hugs! you can tell that judge to Hug Off."
by gkev228 March 28, 2008
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an embrace between 2 people
emily and ben hugged passionately for 5 minutes!
by emilyandben June 12, 2010
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A hug is something you do to someone who needs affection, care, and love. You wrap your arms around them so they'll feel safe, appreciated and cherished. If they hug you back, it's kinda like a symbol of loyalty, or compassion. Maybe even love. But that's just my definition.//
"I hugged him to comfort him in his tough times."
by εפοяαρτοя ငнαη September 1, 2015
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something you shouldn't say on windows93's trollbox
someone: *hugs
someone has left teh trollbox
by BenSav March 26, 2021
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a seemingly friendly or caring act disguised to feel a girl's boobs pressed up against your chest.
Christina was looking pretty fine yesterday so i gave her a hug to feel her huge tits.
by way2blonde4yuu November 26, 2007
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an embrace, how girls and guys greet in a social situation
"i'm into gettin head i aint into makin love
nah i dont wanna hug look i just wanna cut"
by ma$e December 5, 2003
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