Similar to C Hair which is derived from Cunt Hair. A-Hair stands for Anal hair, meaning, hair on or around the anal region.
"Man that girl has tons of A Hairs, that shit is gross. If she has A-Hairs, shes probably got tons of C Hairs too."
by Jay G January 11, 2006
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Not really caring or worry about a matter at hand. An person with long hair or no crispy cut doesn't care about how they look, so one would say Long Hair Don't care or simply "hair" for short.
Rob: Bro, your girl what totally hitting on some guy last night..."
Todd: I don't really care, its my Hair.

Hank: Class starts in 5 minutes man, you are about to be late again...
Elliott: It's really my hair, that class is retarded anyway.
by yoboyIU May 31, 2011
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The only thing preventing you from giving your girlfriend a facial.
Beth: Don't cum on my hair! I just went to the hairdresser yesterday! *fixes hair*
Bill: (Bitch...)
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e February 12, 2008
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Similar to C Hair which is derived from Cunt Hair. A-Hair stands for Anal hair, meaning, hair on or around the anal region.
"Man that girl has a ton of A-Hairs, that is just gross. Shes probably got a lot of C-Hairs too."
by Jay G January 11, 2006
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This is not a misprint it is hairs with an s. It means public hair.
John pulled out some of Kathy's hairs.
by Deep blue 2012 August 11, 2010
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(Chat room)
Guy 1: one sec, sending the pic now
Guy 2: wow
Guy 2: /hair?
Guy 1: yea
Guy 3: omg haha
Guy 2: u may wanna think about getting ur money back
by NOT MY REAL NAME AT ALL November 26, 2009
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stuff all around ur cock and ballas and stuff....of all different colors...some people have a lot of it an some people don't, pubes
1) there is hair on my balls, ew.
2) dude, put ur hair on ur balls away, dont show me that!
by homer simpson June 8, 2003
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