is when you suck on nipples and then they look like a cows utters. then you take the milk you sucked and insert it only the clitoris. the nipple milk will travel through the body and make you horny!
i'm going to fleshy utter you tonight!
by explicit101 November 3, 2016
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another meaningful word to describe a womens fishy crevice
peter knowles is such a fleshy satchel
by rectumraider February 12, 2010
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The fetish to anything that is fleshy, or fleshy or big and holdable in nature other then the breasts and buttocks.
1: I had dated this girl and we had sex and she started loving my calves, and then my nose, and biceps.
2: Oh, she’s a total fleshy flesher.
1: I kind of like this though.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 8, 2018
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In an alternate universe where Earth is populated by anthropomorphic animals, there is a subculture of people who dress as humans in things called fleshsuits. They enjoy going to FleshyCon and Midwest Flesh Fest.
Cora: “Is that guy a fleshy?”
Victor: (droops ears) “Ah! A fleshy! Let’s get outta here.”
by MoodyHD August 2, 2023
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is an extremely annoying person but if you give him/her a chance he/she is not that bad after all and loves playing alot of games
Girl:omg your being such a fleshy
Person:I know but i like it
by FleshyThinkz August 31, 2019
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Outsiders to the fandom. Furries often make fun of them as “Steve” or “Steves”.
Those fleshies will never understand how my inner-demons make me feel!
by jakerusso2006 November 22, 2021
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A bit of crumpet. A bit of the old in n' out. Adult nap time. Aggressive cuddling. Netflix and chill. Attacking the pink fortress. Baking the potato. Bam bam in the ham. Banana in the fruit salad.
To describe how a date went:

"How did your date go?"
"It was fleshy"

"How fleshy?"
"Medium rare." / "Well done" (one night stand)
by nikkimouselol November 22, 2018
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