One who gives off euphoric vibes. Or a person who is always in a state of euphoria or feels euphoric.
Taylor: Man... let's go get high this weekend.
John: Nah. Let's go hangout with Jay. She's such a euphoria doll.
by underwateracid September 27, 2011
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When an extremely traumatic event happens and a person goes into a state of shock, sadness, anxiety and/or fear. Symptoms include shakiness, sudden and intense itches, paralyzed speech, inability to move, crying, and being extremely grossed out.
While she was dissecting a rat, Calleigh went into a state of Reverse Euphoria.
by KimKScienceSucks February 7, 2022
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Spontaneous Euphoria is the phenomenon when you're doing a seemingly normal routine, and all of a sudden you get hit by a random wave of extreme happiness. Studies show that the chance of spontaneous euphoria may increase greatly while doing something positively nostalgic.
*Your friend suddenly stops walking*

You: Hey, man, what's wrong?

Friend: *shakes his head* Oh, nothing, I just got a wave of spontaneous euphoria
by Icohedric January 20, 2014
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That feeling of intense relief when you finally get to take a shit after prairie dogging it for 20 minutes.
I just had the most amazing shit-euphoria!
by Dicky Duece October 10, 2014
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The feeling a trans person gets when he/she/they are able to start presenting as the gender they identify as and people start treating them accordingly
When they used my proper pronouns, my gender dysphoria became gender euphoria
by Black_berry September 13, 2018
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When some bitch interrupts you as you come to the climax of a story.

Originates from the film Black Dynamite, in which a woman (named Euphoria) interrupts Black Dynamite mid speech.
When you're telling a great story, and some trick interrupts you, she be Pullin' a Euphoria!
by ahyee September 18, 2010
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watching the show ‘euphoria’ and thinking that instability and drug use is fun and quirky. convincing yourself that you are an addict.
‘yo i think im coming down with a case of euphoria syndrome, i was falling over this morning after i took my antidepressant
‘yeah me too, after the new episode i got fucked up on my vitamins
by gaysexwithyourmom January 10, 2022
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