When you commit serious acts of arson and/or tax fraud while getting eaten out by your mom
Mark: Hey, what’d you do today?
Emily: I doofus delaneyed
Mark: Oooo, mind if we do that later with me replacing your mom?? 😩
by fatherdickmas January 18, 2021
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A guy who chases after women but when he actually gets a woman he doesn't know what to do
"Hey, are you going to hang out with Jared?"
"No way, that guy's a pussy doofus, he couldn't please a woman if he tried."
by Dharach March 2, 2021
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The 13 year old kid who gets the mad props for the six long, scraggly hairs growing on his chin while half of his peers are still waiting for their second pubic hair
Yo, check out Billy's chin, dude. He's the alpha-doofus for sure, with all that flava
by sven monk September 1, 2003
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Someone working an analyst role with a ponytail and shirts that don't tuck in...
hah hah...
by stopher October 28, 2003
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A hands-free cell phone device that attaches to the ear and makes the user look like a robo-asshole as he walks around annoying others.
I was in line at the grocery store and some dip-shit with a doofus tooth was talking behind me. I started to talk to him like he was talking to me. That interrupted his conversation so he got torqued-off and went to another line.
by cattnipp August 27, 2008
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f-tard, completely dumb and slow!
Melissa is a doofus face!
by ngkhatu April 20, 2008
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Infamous doofus featured in Rick and Morty. Jerry's best friend (poor Jerry's best friend is a frickin' doofus. R.I.P Jerry's social life)
Summer: Ha ha, Dad likes Doofus Rick!
Rick: Gotta share this on the Twitter!
by HELBOIZ April 10, 2017
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