The Nigga Food Trade Agreement is initiated when one person(they dont have to be black) shares food with someone else and that means the reciver of the food has to brake bread next time they have food. This can also be referred to as the "Food Rule".
Person 1: Lemme get a peice dummy
Person 2: Nah nigga
Person 1: Your breaking the agreement
Person 2: What?
Person 1: The Nigga food trade agreement now gimme some nigga
by MK11 October 10, 2017
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An agreement sometimes written that a couple makes after a divorce to still meet and do certain things together especially have sex.
by Deep blue 2012 August 7, 2010
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It's when you have gotten consent from somebody but that consent was not received in the most moral of circumstances or standarts
If I know that somebody doesnt speak english and I put in page 96 of their repair contract, that they signed before they get their iphone fixed, that if they dont certified mail me 16 years from now, that I will get to marry their firstborn daughter and take all their personal property. Thus - Eula Roofing (end-user license agreement)
by Right To Repair September 21, 2023
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On December 21st, participants of Anti-Fur-Day and Fur-Day come to a peace agreement, apologizing for previous actions. The effects of Anti Fur-Furry Peace Agreement Day are normally short lived, most will be fighting again the next day.
Rainb0wF0x: Its Anti Fur-Furry Peace Agreement Day today.

FurrySlayer420: Oh really? I'm sorry for all the hateful messages and bullying we inflicted upon you furrys.

Rainb0wF0x: And I'm sorry for making you roleplay as a pink hyena with antlers and putting you thousands in debt by making you buy a fursuit UwU.
by WebDriverTorso December 18, 2020
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Much like a Prenuptial except this agreement should be drawn up on the first date to avoid the "Fatal attraction" type behavior that may come afterward.
I stopped seeing her and then she went all Alanis Morissette on me. Man I wish I would've gotten a prerestraining order agreement
by BlazNsadL May 18, 2010
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A EULA (End User License Agreement) is a contract a manufacturer makes you sign before they let you buy or lease their product. Products that come with a EULA (pronounced "YOO - lah") are high-tech, big-ticket items: cars, cell phones, appliances, etc. EULAs contain do's & don't's for using a product. Violating the EULA will usually void the warranty.

A EULA is not the same as a TOS (Terms of Service Agreement). A TOS is for a service, not a physical object.

Legally, a EULA gives you permission (gives you a "license") to use the product after you buy it. Presumably, the manufacturer can "revoke" that "permission" at any time, and they will do so by remotely shutting down the product (called "bricking" your product), rendering it inoperable.

The language of a typical EULA includes "hold harmless" clauses to protect the manufacturer from lawsuits. Additionally, you will (usually) be agreeing to let the manufacturer gather personal data about you via the product. This includes your locations, shopping habits, medical information, sexual orientation, etc. A EULA will also usually dictate that you resolve disputes via arbitration (not lawsuits), and stipulate that the arbiter will be hired by the manufacturer (so the arbiter works for the manufacturer, and will do as they say).

EULAs will become more common as modern manufacturers move away from the business model of selling things, and embrace the model of leasing things. That way, "you will own nothing and be happy."
I tries to read the EULA (End User License Agreement) that came with my new cell phone, but it was over 30 pages long, so I just gave up and signed it anyway. I hope that by signing it, I didn't agree to anything too crazy.
by Innocent Byproduct September 11, 2023
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this means you started talking to your friend, but nwither of you fuys remembered the convo within 5 hours therfor its a spanish agreement
boy “ honestly…. end of day you bad as fuck

and ill always support you in spanish agreements”

girl *nothing*
by Avewhorieee June 15, 2022
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