failing to succeed, unsuccessful.

Failing to accomplish an intended objective, fruitless
These proposals were rendered abortive by the unflinching use of the queen's prerogative.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 5, 2019
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Abortion is the killing of a fetus, which is not a sentient being yet, however some people get the strange impression that a three month old group of cells is the same as a human being. It's just a bunch of fucking cells! It isn't even a fucking baby yet, it's still in the fucking womb! They aren't the fucking same!
If you don't want to have an abortion, think of the eternal damnation a son or daughter would bring upon you anyway.
by Gunman on the Loose! June 18, 2007
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word generally used by PC to describe something that totally sucks.
"Man, that's an absolute abortion of a performance, man!"
by The Sooz December 21, 2004
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Commonly refers to the induced removal of a zygote, embryo, or fetus before viability. Elective abortions often only occur in the first trimester, and any abortions that take place in the second or third trimester are done strictly for medical reasons.

Is abortion murder? No, it does not fit the legal definition. Murder requires the victim to be a legal person -- a born human. In some cases, it also applies to third-trimester fetuses, as they may have reached viability. Abortions that occur at this time only occur because the mother's health is in danger, the fetus will not survive after birth, or the fetus is already dead and has not miscarried.

Is the fetus a person? Legally, it is not recognized as a person. As the concept of personhood is subjective, there are many individuals which believe the fetus deserves the rights we have. This is where all abortion debates stem from.

Is abortion a solution for teenage sluts who don't use protection? As a whole, no. Of all women who seek abortion, less than 10% had used no contraception. Teenagers who seek abortions account for less than 20% of the whole. The largest group of women seeking abortions, at 33%, is married women who either already have children or want children in the future but are not yet ready.

Does abortion cause infertility and other complications? Very rarely. In early abortions, complications are very scarce, and any complications that arise are usually dealt with. Late term abortions present more of a risk to complications, but it still rather low. Death is extremely rare. Childbirth can be up to 11 times more dangerous than abortion.

Does abortion cause psychological problems? Very few. Approximately 90% of women feel no guilt or depression, instead, many report a sense of relief. Of the remaining 10% that do suffer emotional problems, most suffer short-term guilt or depression which quickly mends its self. Very few suffer long-term psychological problems. Compare this to the 70% of women who suffer post-partum depression after childbirth.

Does the fetus feel pain? In almost every abortion, no. A part of the brain called the cerebral cortex is necessary to receive and perceive pain -- it is also necessary to have awareness, sensation, voluntary movement, etc. This part of the brain does not begin functioning until the third trimester. The fetuses involved in the very few abortions that occur at this time may feel pain. In prior trimesters, the fetus is incapable of feeling pain.

How is an abortion done? The most common procedure, done in the first trimester, is vacuum aspiration. After the cervix is dilated, the fetus is suctioned out out of the uterus via a tube no larger than a standard drinking straw. In most cases, the fetus does not need to be mutilated into pieces in order for this procedure to happen. The procedure takes around 10-15 minutes.

Isn't adoption a better option? While adoption is a valid solution to an unwanted pregnancy, it has many flaws. The woman must remain pregnant and give birth. The cost of vaginal delivery with a one-day stay can cost upwards of $3,500. This does not include the cost of pre-natal care. As a whole, adoption is an institute that caters to the wants and wallets of rich, infertile Caucasian couples who want perfectly healthy, Caucasian newborns. Sometimes preferably female. There are so many couples waiting to adopt, but so many children not getting adopted. Why? Because they don't fit these traits.

It's an innocent little baby! Shut up.
"Lisa had an abortion because she could not afford the pregnancy, much less raising a child."
by Katrina B. June 27, 2005
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Poster person for abortion rights. Someone the world would have been better off without.
That douche should be reclassified as an Abortant. Oh he is such a scumbag.
by bassakwards January 20, 2010
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ok listen very closely... for all you pro lifers out there this may be hard to underrstand. you say the death sentence for a terrorist is right but who's the ones bombing a fucking clinic that can save womens lives? an abortion is terminating a pregnancy. its a fuckin cluster of cells ok get over it! it's the womans choice. it's not in the bible what life is. are you saying a bird has no soul but we do? whats so great about us? we fuck up everything!
suzie got an abortion because she and her embryo would die due to medical conditions

by holoindustry August 8, 2008
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An Abortion is the act of cancelling a pregnancy by killing an innocent child and should only be done in cases where the mother would die if she had the child, or if the women was raped or in cases of incest other than that abortion should be considered man slaughter and if the parents of the child don't want to raise the child they can put them up for adaption.
getting an abortion just because you don't want to raise a child is wrong.
by thehomie42069 June 7, 2021
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