A sexual move where a girl throws her arms around a guy's neck. As lifts her, she wraps her legs around him. Great for honeymoons.
I pulled The Jennie on my boyfriend last night!

Woah, how was it?

Amazing! I've never reached that heightened of a sexual encounter before.
by Hespeakeththetruth! June 4, 2014
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THE most beautiful girl in the world. the only girl who is able to give a guy butterflies, and can make him smile just by looking at him with her amazing eyes. at first sight, she will take your breath away, literally. this girl is impossible not to love, and whatever guy has her is definately the luckiest guy in the world.
I love jenny! shes amazing
by ktm6930 February 5, 2010
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This is a super hot, absolutely stunning and genuine girl. Shes kind, pretty, clever caring and is an all round nice person! She has an obsession of cute things and her personality can be taken as flirty. She is amazing,beautiful and should be valued.
eg. Guy1: Wow, that girls beautiful!

Guy2: Must be called Jenni!
by WillyWonka007 June 18, 2011
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Jenny is a very nice, caring, and loving person. You can rely on her and tell her anything. She can make you laugh even if she isn’t trying to.
Jenny is a very nice person
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The exact definition of Badass. She’s never soft towards those she loves, only some.
“Wow, Jennie isn’t even kissing Irene today.”
by Jennie is a cutie who loves me November 29, 2018
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A beautiful young girl with amazing potential. She is a once-in-a-lifetime type of friend and losing her would make ANYONE cry. She's pretty-much amazing.
Shawn: I like this girl... Taylor: Get some. Shawn: She's a Jenny. Taylor: Damn dude, she's perfect.
by F!erce92 April 25, 2009
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definately the most attractive person!
loving, caring, sweet & thoughtful.
Always tries to help, but gets it all thrown back in her face!
always put second best, but none the less is very much loved!
by not a jenny August 27, 2008
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