An absolute nobody, somebody who u wouldn't even go through the effort of pissin on if they were on fire, a real loser, wot a twat!
"Hey look at that guy on fire"
"Oh shit yeah he's on fire"
"Shall we piss on him"
"No he's a tosser!"
by The Z man January 13, 2006
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He's just a tosser - an hour later and he's still sitting there reading the paper and picking his nose.
by martin November 12, 2003
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(esp. Australia) Someone who can't hold his liquor.
That's the third time he's puked at one of my parties... And he didn't even mix liquors, he's just a tosser.
by garadiavolo December 13, 2006
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(also tosserised) vb. - damaged or destroyed by tossers.
exmpl. "This computer's been completely tosserized."

by Sgt. Scrivener September 6, 2006
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someone who thinks he knows everything but knows jack shit
by i am the 1 September 15, 2003
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A selfish individual who demonstrates a complete lack of concern for the environment by thoughtlessly tossing recyclable cans and bottles into the garbage.
Dave doesn't recycle his empties, what a tosser.
by Pedro Mackenzie November 24, 2008
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Can also mean someone who 'loves themselves' too much, such as being too vain or having high regard for oneself.
Look at that tosser, with his moosed up hair and up turned collar
by choosebro August 25, 2005
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