Something you haven’t done In 3 years or more
Wow, I haven’t had a cookout corn dog in a yankee minute
by Susie creamcheese July 17, 2023
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When someone from up north gives you a handle job
Boy 1: she is from new york imma have her give me a handjob
Boy 2: you mean a yankee handle
by Username67435 June 14, 2021
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A women, mostly from the European continent, who spreads her legs if the man pretends to be in possession of a Greencard or US passport. If language skills are B1 or above, a simple "I am from the US" may do the job too.
"Man, I am from Kongo, never got any chick here, but with 11's flirt advices I lay one after another yankee twat here"
by TT11 November 10, 2020
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A Yankee Tax is an added fee applied to especially to, but not always, to {Yankees}, or other outsiders in the South, that locals are not asked to pay, due to their behavior, demanding attitude, or general rudeness. The Yankee Tax is usually paid by the Yankee either without knowing it, as Yankees believe Southerners are all stupid, or reluctantly, as when they feel they have no choice.
Example #1: (at a Yard Sale)
Local: How much is this bike?
Local #2: $30.
Yankee (rudely interrupts, takes out $30 from wallet): Hey, I was looking at it first!
Local #2 (looks at money): Sorry, did I say $30- I meant $50!
Yankee: That's a Yankee Tax!
Example #2: (renting a place):
Yankee Caller ( from out of state area code): How much is the 1 bedroom unit?
Local Landlord (answers the phone): You ain't from here, are you?
Yankee Caller (gets offended): I'm from New Yawk!
Local Landlord: $1000 a month, plus two months deposit, plus a credit score of 740, plus no pets, and utilities
Yankee Caller: The ad said $900- that's a Yankee Tax!
Yankee hangs up.
Local Caller: Hey, how much is the 1 bedroom unit?
Local Landlord: You know Billy Williams- you sound just like him!
Local Caller: Yeah, that's my daddy!
Local Landlord: That'll be $850 a month, plus deposit- but I'll take half the deposit down! Y'all got any pets?
Local Caller: Three coon dogs!
Local Landlord: Well, I hope they like a big backyard!
Example #3 (At a truck stop)
Yankee Customer: Hey, I been sitting here five minutes, I want to place my order!
Local Waitress: Hold on just a minute...
Yankee: I want my coffee now, and is the milk soy?
Ten minutes later...
Yankee: Why's my bill say $4.99 for a cup of coffee?
Local Waitress (shrugs shoulders): That don't include tax!
Local Trucker: That's a {Yankee Tax!} (laughing)
by The Confederate Wordsmith October 7, 2019
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A politician who while in office pretends to serve the people while blatantly pursuing their own self interest.
The president just fired the head of an investigation against him with no legitimate cause. What a Yankee Doodle Dickwad!
by Bauxb May 17, 2017
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A person from the American desert west with an accent can be mistaken for that of the northern Midwest or generic New England.
Person A: Is he from Cleveland?

Person B: No, New Mexico.
Person A: Oh, he's a Sand Yankee.
by Southern Lexicon November 6, 2017
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