The kind of girl to cause you heart palpitations. A truly beautiful human being. She’s feisty, and you may argue with her sometimes. However, even in the most heated arguments all you’ll want to do is make her happy. She’s the one in a million kind of girl. The take home to your parents kind of girl. It’s rare for a woman like her to exist. Even rarer for her to exist in your tiny corner of the world. Consider yourself lucky to even witness her presence if you’re presented the opportunity. A marvelously gorgeous person inside and out.
“Wow I can’t believe Jenny really exists!”

“I know. She seems too good to be true.”
by Hwez August 12, 2022
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Jenny is a word used to describe a manoeuvre in which more than 2 people sit in bus seat, also can be referred as a sex pose in which 2 men stick there 2 inch cocks in a pussy, is usually a name found on kahoot.
"look at that Jenny". pretty sexy don't you think. Mr Ross whispers in ear. "oh yeah".
by Markbobcat October 3, 2020
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She's a person who knows who she is and enjoys being herself. Often misunderstood as being flirty or flighty. Really they just enjoy being around all kinds of people. They love to learn and will ask the most questions. Most Jenni's are kind hearted and loving. They know how to get into your head. They tend to be people pleasers. You will know where you stand with them since they are often expressive people. They have unique personalities and are highly intelligent. Once you meet a Jenni, you’ll immediately be drawn in.
I met Jenni and OMG.
by Totheone May 8, 2022
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jenni- short for Jennifer

jennis a good friend but shes flat
jenni is good but shes flat
by sdcxdf January 31, 2020
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Jenni is a friendly but cold mean person sometimes.
Jenni has great music taste and has great fashion sense.
Jenni is intimidating at first but cool, she's actually very shy.

She's introverted but kind of like an extrovert sometimes!
The point is, Jenni is cool and can pull anyone
"Jenni! Wanna make a playlist? :)"
by chaechaehyun >_< November 22, 2021
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A fishy slag, who does not know what fashion means
"Ew jenni stinks of fish"
by Asdfghjkl9669 April 7, 2019
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So stupid, so dumb, your just weird if your called this.
by Urban dictionary. 2019 January 31, 2022
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