Smartest Mofo ever

Barry Joe lives in San Fransico with his super rich parents moching off them. He weighs 400 pounds, is a god at rocket league, thinks Oklahoma is on the east coast, went to harvard at age 9, graduated at age 8 after inventing the time machine, and is the starting quaterback at his middle school, and only eats salad. Runs track for Ohio state somehow.
Person 1 "Yo do you know Barry Joe?"
Person 2 "I know a couple of Barry Joes, which one do you mean?"
Person 1 "The retarded looking one"
Person 2 "Oh u mean Barry Joe Mama"
by oihp3q49paewfug9p203u9 September 13, 2022
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He lovvvvvvvvvvvvves military fails. And talks about how he has American friends and is going there.
Hey im joe williams i have American friend bye.
by hahahahahahaahahahah August 9, 2022
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The act of taking a shit in a moving charter bus's toilet.
"I can’t believe you did an Alaskan Joe during the road trip here! The whole bus stunk!"
by Duncaccino28 April 23, 2022
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Joe Li means that you are describing a person with unspoken rizz, which is passed on by the rizz god Chapman Yu himself.
This Joe Li guy, getting all the girls and everything bro.
by JoeRizzGod May 17, 2023
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Eating out the ass after filling it up with your own cum.


Really shitty sex position no one would enjoy having just like no one enjoys a sloppy Joe without mean on it.
by King Small PeePee January 11, 2018
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A nickname for Joseph Stalin, Lord and Savior of the gulags
Person: Hmm i wish we could have some fo-
Papa Joe: G U L A G
by xDankStarx March 22, 2018
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