someone that is half black and half white
"I think that he is wack"
by KKT October 9, 2005
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a lame gangsta slang word for cool.
"Dayum, that CD sounds wack!"
by Daddiyo July 11, 2008
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used to describe:

1)any person who, regardless of reasoning, just can't pull the right moves to be with the 'in' crowd

2) any failed attempt at a cool stunt or complex pick-up line

3) an overly dressed or tacky person
1) After witnessing the new kids outdated dance moves, the clicke of 'cool' kids declared him wack and moved on to the next wannabe.

2) As the kid dusted himself off after failing at a double beer chug, one of the girls muttered to her friend" wow, that boy is wack!"

3)As the jeri-curled, headband wearing, oversized pendant bearing thirty year old made his way towards the party from his rusty el camino sittin on 20's, about fifteen people asked their friends 'who's this wack mo-fo?'
by The_Enigma_of_all_enigmas_1109 February 23, 2010
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just plain stupid, a crazy (not mentally) person
tracey: im going to walk up this skyscraper

rob: you so wack...
by ben nwankwo April 17, 2005
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Not funny at all, also can be used in the same text as jake or lame
Niggaz who think they are hard are wack
by Malcolm aka Q April 9, 2003
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Dude, this house party is gonna be wack!

Comment submitted with request to Delete: "Wack is never used as a positive term, to use it in this manner would be completely inaccurate and lowers the overall quality of this excellent website."
by Anonymous April 16, 2003
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a very cool term. Used to describe someone when they say or perform an action that is admired by others.
dude, amanda is so wack
by awahlstedt May 27, 2011
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