the act of going to a place in order to make money by selling drugs or other items, most often illegally. common areas are busy street corners, shopping centers, aparment complexes, and any place of commonly large gatherings of people.
My boy needed some money so he copped an O to go to the mall and trap.
by JWalk January 7, 2005
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When you send sexual picture to someone.
Damn kim traps are fye asl.
by Hh Hbbh March 10, 2017
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A place or neighbourhood where drugs transactions take place.
When I grow up, I am gonna try to get out of this trap.
by D-Stew May 26, 2006
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A house in the inner city that has boarded up windows that is usually used for selling drugs.
Waka Flocka: Hey gucci mane, let me get an ounce of purp.
Gucci Mane: Yo meet me at the trap later tonight.
by Thewiseone2010 June 20, 2010
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VERB; 1.) PARTYING HARD (most common use).

NOUN; 1.) Place, usually a run-down dwelling, where drugs are sold.

2.) The mouth.

3.) A man that looks like a woman.
Verb- 1.) “Dude I’m trappin’ out right now”
Noun- 1.) “We’re at the trap house”

2.) “Shut your trap

3.) “Yo, that hooker last night turned out to be a trap”
by shradtownboi April 14, 2018
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a slang term for the trapeziod muscle found between the neck and the shoulder...
Wholly shit....look at waughs traps!! what a fuckin' beast.....RAHHHH
by kablahhhhh July 25, 2006
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