When your life is a constant mess, but you have everything given to you anyway.....
Man, her life sure is a mess. But her man still buys her shit. I guess you could call it a " gravy train wreck".
by Footguy75 August 8, 2020
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A train wreck that you can't stop watching. "You don't want to stare, but you just can't look away"
Britney spears' life fits the train wreck theory, the worse it gets the more you want to watch.
by ksay15 September 21, 2008
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Cleavage so outrageous and in your face you can not look away. Often found on heavy girls who think having huge breasts is the only qualification for being attractive.
Damn look at that cow's knockers jiggle, what a titty train wreck.

My girlfriend got pissed at me for staring at another girls boobs, but it was a damn titty train wreck. I couldn't help it.
by Patient zero February 14, 2006
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The misfortune of pulling out during anal sex to be followed by a "coal car" (a.k.a. fecal overflow). To complete the maneuver, one must ejaculate on the bloody fecal matter, the aftermath resembling a train wreck.
My roommate Karl ruined my sheets after he pulled a Montreal train wreck on that skeezer. (Based on true events.)
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Any of the reality TV shows that depict the "up close and personal" lives of the people or familes on the program. TV programs such as Jon and Kate Plus 8, 18 Kids and Counting (the Duggar family) and Wife Swap are prime examples. Also known as "fishbowl TV."
Julie: Did you watch the season premier of "Jon and Kate Plus Eight?" The kids are sooooo cute.

Hal: Are you kidding? I have better things to do with my time. That show makes me wanna puke. Now that the Goselins are having trouble keeping their marriage together and all the rumours--he's cheating on her, she's cheating on him. I feel sorry for the kids that their parents are selfish enough to put them through all that on a TV show. It's nothing more than Train wreck TV.
by Ahina May 27, 2009
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when two or more girls/women of asian descent are penetrated harshly from the back while in the "wheel barrow race" position. They are pushed towrds each other at high rates of speed until a collission occurs. The men then cum on the heap of bodies until they are satisfied.
"I just watched the craziest porno where 10 guys caused a tokyo train wreck and came on the girls faces!"
by SammyMC130 September 30, 2009
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While having sex doggy style, you turn the girl towards the side of the bed, pull her arms out and thrust her off the side of the bed onto the floor face first.
Last night we got a little rough and while doin' her doggy style I accidentally gave her the midnight train wreck.
by Obie1 March 3, 2007
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