To be robbed or mugged by a group of hoodlums.
Can be a single person, but you shouldn't let that happen!
"I was walking through Redfern at 5:00 a.m and got rolled by this crew of cunts."
by Diego July 8, 2003
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" Hey, does anybody have a deodorant"
"I can only provide a ROLL ON"
"A roll-on is a kind of deodorant"
by Debra Biblooby August 27, 2019
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A song released by Soul Coughing in 1998 describing how it feels to be high on ecstasy.
"I'm rolling, I'm rolling, I'm rolling, uh."
by beau99 May 5, 2009
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Jesse in Breaking Bad: I'm not the kind of dude who rolls.
by Bugmenot2007 October 2, 2016
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Stating your philosophical stance on a situation with a affirmative predisposition.
That's how I roll.
i.e.-Jack black kicking Will Ferrel's dog over the bridge after Ferrel ruined Black's motorcycle, then stating to Ferrel, "thats how I roll".

"you aint got my cash, I'll bust a cap in your ass. Yeah nigga, thats how I roll."
by Homer November 22, 2004
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Man I took two rolls yesterday and I was rollin hard.
by Relic60 August 13, 2009
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To be ripped off or robbed. This usually occurs at gunpoint, but can sometimes be achieved by craftier methods.
I bought that bitch a gin and tonic and she just walked away. She rolled me for a drink, man.
by madjackal August 22, 2006
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