Something Cubans typically say that is affiliated with their own mishap or error
Person 1: Mira en Cuba yo tenia cuatro gallos que se llamaban...
Person 2: FOKIN PINGA DUDE I twisted my ankle
Person 1: Carlos y Tomas
by Chopenguin May 15, 2016
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slang for cash.
I'll slip you some pinga for the beers, bro.
by Lisa Jax Marie October 29, 2008
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Another word for penis, said by Dr. Robotnik, or Eggman, from the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.
by TheMemeOverlord September 1, 2016
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cuban slang insult: The act of sucking or eating dick
Tu ere's tremendo come pinga-You are a tremendous Dick eater
by Will Martinez July 26, 2007
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Que Pinga is a phrase used in cuban slang. It means What the fuck? or why the fuck. Or whats the deal?, Fuk it.
Look at this shit over here, "que pinga"
Que pinga, What happened?
Que pinga bro, buy that shit or by that shit bro, que pinga.
Que pinga te pasa a ti? What the fuck is wrong with you.
by ///M Power March 24, 2008
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Ignore the definition that states that "De Pinga" is used to express awe; never do that haha. If you say that something is "de pinga", it means that it is difficult, terrible, nasty, etc. Very popular vulgar expression among Cubans and Cuban-Americans.
"Oye, la cosa en Cuba esta de pinga asere"
"Dimelo a mi que tengo al puro enfermo en Luyano"

"De pinga bro, they just gave me a speeding ticket"
by socopacetic October 28, 2021
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1) Far Away
2) House of Dick
3) Over There
Why did you park all the way in casa pinga, its such a long walk!
by LarryFnJ April 30, 2010
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