Used when a man describes the devious things his son did to him in Spain many moons ago.
Rory! Fondle my pickle like you used to in the good ol’ days!
by QueeferAngus73 July 2, 2023
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That's a little sus there buster😩
Person 1: "Yo dude can you Tickle my Pickle"
Person 2: "Sure bro"
Person 1: "That feels nice"
Person 2: "Why is there white stuff"
by JIOIOHDTUY May 31, 2023
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This is most commonly used after someone has received a complement. It shows much gratitude and thanks to said compliment.
Woah Josh you’re so good at the running!”
“Haha you’re just tickling my pickle now.”
by tickling my pickle April 2, 2022
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