A fat butch who only plays xboxs, fans to gay hentai even though he is only 7. He has the smallest dick on planet earth.
"Look at that stupid Memphis in the corner watching hentai."
by Chase Holbrook November 6, 2016
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The type of dude to make up a fake royal dynasty around himself, doesnt even call himself a king but a prince, major soyboy who gets zero pussy and probably plays a lego map game all day.
"Oh Memphis? I Havent seen him in days, I just hope he hasn't gone too neckbeard."
by memphissander November 27, 2021
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The most geto, crime ridden, racist, poor place you will ever go, unless you go to Egypt
Egyptians: Memphis is not that bad
Memphians: Well you have not been to Tennessee then
by The Adom March 25, 2016
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Meaning a lot of this....reaping where you from..the rappers. and more.
by Hash B.: March 6, 2004
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When one masturbates with no lubrication, a dry rub. Similar to the Memphis style of cooking which involves no BBQ sauce.
Nick: Hey Jake, I'm all out of KY Jelly and all my lotion just ran out!

Jake: You can use the smuckers in the refrigerator if you go to the store and buy more.

Nick: That's alright, I have to go to school in ten minutes, I'll just go Memphis Style.

Jake: Be careful big guy, don't be too rough or you'll have a bloody mess, trust me.
by -Francis August 21, 2013
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A hand job without the use of lubrication, also known as a "Dry Rub"
Hey, did you hear about what happened to Sean last night?" "Yeah, I heard he erupted like Mt. Kilimanjaro after receiving a Memphis Barbeque!
by Cha Cha Cha78 April 15, 2011
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when you inverted 69 standing up and while she is blowin you upside down, blow into her butthole like a moonshine bottle. whhoooooooo.
MEMPHIS WHISTLE ...when you inverted 69 standing up and while she is blowin you upside down, blow into her butthole like a moonshine bottle. whhoooooooo
by sharknuts August 23, 2011
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