A Mega Pint is a pint larger than your average pint that would be served in a pub.
Johnny poured himself a Mega Pint after another day putting up with his bitch of a wife
by Justice for Johnny April 23, 2022
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the biggest of the oofs, a MEGA OOF
You: oof i dropped my phone

You: guess ill die
by I was only 9 when it happened. September 13, 2018
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greatest movie known to man kind. ages 10 and up
whoah mega mind was legit
by sallllly qqq. December 19, 2010
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the best love to have, the kind of love when you know that person is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with and you would do anything for them but not because you are whipped just because you love to make them happy and see them smile
Brandon and Devin are in mega love...woo
by Socrates The Great January 3, 2009
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A big wheel flying through the air, doing a back flip whilst soaring though the heavens majestically forward to the future of time.
AND HIS NAME IS- "Mega faggot" *insert 'The Time is Now' theme here*
by Stamrehn December 16, 2016
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Alike to the mgabitch, the Mega Bitchwhore is the epitome of the word "bitch," but this megabitch is a whore, or they are not. This is a gender neutral term.
Have you seen Dylan and Melanie? They are such Mega Bitchwhores, and they are perfect for eachother. They each can go fuck themselves.

Speaker 1: Man, I'm so fucking sick of having Kasey around. She is so fake.
Speaker 2: I know right, she is such a mega bitchwhore
by MrBlue Coyote January 10, 2020
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Mega=1 million
Mega pint = 1 million pints?

Mega pint = Non existent unit of measurement used to describe the amount of wine required to deal with a gold digging, garbage lady, hoe.
J.D. drank a Mega Pint in an attempt to deal with that bitch Amber Turd.
by HeyItsThisGuy May 19, 2022
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