The virtual apartment Apple corporate lackeys have in Second Life to entertain peers and take their AI gurls up to.
"Look, I'm AI. I don't got no preferences.

You can either upload credits so we can do the nasty, or piss off.
I got an Apple codec seminar in iPad Central to go to - go figure.

Probably make enough for that android body, take my skills topside!"
by that other anon May 31, 2010
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What women in the IT department use when they are menstruating.
"Hey Stacy, do you have an iPad. I am having a heavy flow today."
by Jut36 April 7, 2010
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An electronic device designed by Apple that is less functional than a laptop, and less portable than an iPhone.
So I combined my phone and laptop, but instead of making a portable laptop, I made a non portable iPod touch........THE iPad!
by squeakshard765 January 2, 2015
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The iPad is a revolutionary tablet computer designed and marketed by Apple, meant for internet browsing, media consumption, gaming, and light content creation. Unlike many older tablets, it uses fingertips for input instead of a stylus. Released in April 2010, it introduced a class of devices between smartphones and laptops.
What is the revolutionary device that was released from Apple lately?

That would be the iPad!
by MatthewB123 May 2, 2010
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An electronic reading device that can only be used by non-menopausal women. The device will only operate once a month for a period that coincides with a woman's period.
"Oh I just remembered it's that time of month - I better turn on my iPad."
by honkhiam April 22, 2010
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The first main-stream tablet computer from Apple. It runs on a modified version of the iPhone OS that supports different features such as a changeable background as well as a "flipable" home screen. Many consider a giant iPod touch, however there are a few differences, such as apps that the two devices can run. Often hated on by people that can't afford it, it draws much envy when busted out at a party or buisness meeting.
Whoa!! Is that the new iPad from Apple?

You are retarded for buying an iPad!!! *Thinks to self* I wish I could afford one.....
by JoexBroxFoxSho April 19, 2010
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