Can also refer to a particular type of Hand-Blown Glass smoking pipe. Usually one-of-a-kind, very intricate, and typically quite expensive.
(Other spellings: headdy, heddy...)
The price of headies, is usually quite excessive.
by none October 28, 2003
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A person who has no experience in life and doesn't know much about life.
- Hey, have you heard the new single by Daft Punk, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"?

* It's already 4 years old, you heady!
by xiempie December 3, 2008
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1. A state of confusion, dizziness, or slight vertigo often after a acutely traumatic event.

2. Alcohol intoxication.

3. Bluntness, lacking tact, and stubborn.
Man, Ryan really experienced true headiness when I smacked him across his face with my fat cock.
by Shik February 3, 2005
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To be thinking about things in your head uncontrollably, one after the other. You might experience being heady when you keep thinking about a bad thought over and over.
*Friend staring into space
Friend 2: "Yo Mike u aaight?"
Friend 1: *Snaps out of illusion. "Yea man I'm fine, I'm just mad heady about this girl."
by REEL September 20, 2011
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Having the qualities of a bathroom aboard a boat.
A: That guy is full of shit.
B: Yeah, he's pretty heady.
by firesharter__ April 9, 2014
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Some thing so great you dont want to share with anyone and would like to keep all to your head. Something of the utmost quality than cant be matched. The Best.
These bluberry muffins are so good. Can I have one. No way they're way to headie.
This weed is so headie.
by Agent-C April 23, 2006
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someone who thinks they're better than you just because of the music they listen to, how long they've listened to that genre, the stories behind their hat pins or wraps, and they're "psychedelic experiences" that they've had.
"Why are you going to that crappy festival? Camp Bisco will be way better!"

"Wow man you that was so heady of you to say! Im sorry I forgot I was going to festivals for the image, not the music! Silly me."

"Man STS9 sucked last night. They didn't play any of their older stuff and they put down their instruments for like half the show!"

"Dude that statement was so heady. Who cares that was one of the greatest shoes ive ever seen!
by jjspliff April 10, 2013
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