graffiti is sometimes used to communicate between gangs but is also sometimes art..
(guy 1) hey did you see johnnys graffiti at the train tracks.
(guy 2) yea hes cool
by Tim11230 September 16, 2005
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girl ill graffiti you whatever color you want.
by ULTRAW September 19, 2003
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A fun illegal crime that involves ruining walls with profanity
Mickey your under arrest for doin graffiti on public property
by Mickey_M.... November 26, 2010
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An element of the Hip Hop culture misinterpreted and misrepresented by the mainstream media, and most especially hated by affluent (usually white) businessmen who don't understand the roots or meaning of the writing on the walls.

Contrary to popular belief, Graff is NOT any of the following: writing on houses of worship, people's houses in general, other writer's names, or tombstones. The aforementioned need not be identified with bus, train, subway and wall burners. That's REAL graffiti, the visual aspect of Hip Hop accompanied by the physical (breakdance), verbal (emceeing), and rhythmic (turntablism).

Since Graffiti is an element in Hip Hop just as important as DJing, MCing and Breaking, any assault on Graffiti (i.e., calling it "vandalism", "not art", etc.) should be viewed as an assault on Hip Hop altogether.

From the beginning, the powers that be have sought afte the destruction of our culture, from transit authorities chasing after writers, to housing police harassing people at block parties, to lawsuits being filed against DJs for sampling ("copyrighted" material). Now it may seem like everything is okay since Rap has hit the mainstream, but the major corporations threaten its existence every day. Remember the last Rap video you saw on TV. Did you see any tags, any DJs working the wheels of steel, any B-Boys tearing up the floor, any MCs really rocking the party? Or was it just images of scantily clad females, guys flashing their "bling", and "gangstas" shooting their guns off? Chances are it was the latter, the money-making gimmick that corporations such as MTV make money off of today.

These very same corporations, usually headed by conservative individuals who "care" about their buildings, are the organisations which lobby for tighter anti-graffiti laws. So it may seem that "Hip Hop" is all well with mainstream America, but they're actually destroying us from within, in more than one way.
by jAwN June 30, 2004
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Graffiti is a commonly misunderstood form of illegal art. Graffiti is done on walls, buses, trains, and other forms of private and public property, often without permission (thus the 'illegal' part). Ink, paint, scratches, and other ways can be used to do graffiti; spray paint cans with special tips being the favored way, since they are easily carried and do not require brushes and other equipment. Note that not all things sprayed/written on a wall are graffiti! Gang markings, crude bathroom writings, and other less artistic forms of wall-markings are NOT graffiti.

Graffiti (also called Graf) is a form of self expression, and while it is illegal, is NOT vandalism.

Closely related to people who tag.
Man, I saw some awesome graf down by Ninth Street yesterday.
by THORNE ¥ August 9, 2004
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"Art without restrictions"

Graffiti is a form of art, just like calligraphy is a form of writing. Very often misinterpreted by large media outlets as being vandalism and destruction of property. It is pretty much the exact opposite.

Graffiti can be made in many different ways and different styles. Tagging is a very basic form of graffiti, where one writes his or her chosen nickname or pseudonym on a wall or similar surface.

Throw ups is a bit more complex but not really that harder than tagging. Throw ups are basically larger tags that incorporate bubble letters, drop shadow, and other things (including white outlines.)

Pieces are incredible works of graffiti, this can include characters, mixed color schemes, and can vary in size, too (one can be two stories high if you are looking in the right place.)

Graffiti also has a cousin called street art, but that's its own form of art.
Graffiti is an artform, don't let anyone tell you the opposite.
by Treasonous October 24, 2011
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The act of getting your name up... the majority of the writers do it in a writing sense, not promoting a gang. Alan Keyes disgraced the term, and perhaps doesn't realize that writers have been bombing the system since the 60's, unlike most any gang.
Graffiti is a way of life, not a throwup that some toy did to call out a gang, that shit is just scribbles for dumbasses.

DAMN! I can't wave to my friend because I am afraid I am gonna get shot, damn those gangs and their hand symbols... and fuck alan keyes.
by SiNEjde December 26, 2005
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