"Fall off a Cliff" means to disappear. This can mean figuratively, as in disappearing from a conversation, or physically, such as an unannounced exit from a social gathering.
Yo, dawg, y'all need to fall off a cliff on this thread, cuz you ain't bringing facts.
by SlangKing III October 3, 2023
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this joke is used in most of “how to die” videos
it is be like an idiot(moron in tf2) falls off the cliff and people following the idiot and so on
fall off a cliff loop be like:
be an idiot
then continue to be an idiot
then a guy follows an idiot
then guy follows 2 idiot
then a guy follows a group of idiots
if overused explosion occurs
by Player2170(roblox arsenal guy) October 19, 2019
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When a Mexican in Pinal County, AZ, parties so hard that he gets in the car after being unsuccessful at trying to come up on a girl from work, almost gets in a fight, then leaves with his buddies, drunk as hell, ends of falling asleep at the wheel, hits an unknown object which causes one of his wheels to fall off, all the while he and his buddies are all passed out in the car, wakes up to the cops arresting him for a DUI. Firme!
"Last weekend we partied til the wheels fell off, literally. I was in tent city with Sheriff Joe. Tonight, we party til the wheels fall off again."
by balls-out in Pinal County October 26, 2013
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The point of time in a series where the writers can no longer keep the audience engaged through a good plot and instead resort to ridiculous gimmicks to try and keep interest in the series going. Named after the Season 6 “Thank you” episode from “The Walking Dead” where Steven Yeun’s character fell of a dumpster into a sea of zombies and his fate was not addressed for another four episodes. In the interim, cast and crew were vague about the character’s fate and Steven Yeun’s name was removed from the credits. However, it was eventually revealed that the character miraculously survived unscathed (see “Jumping the Shark”).
"Did you see that episode of 'Red Oaks' I told you about?"

"Yeah, man, that show totally fell off the dumpster"

Falling off the dumpster
by ViewTagCloud December 7, 2015
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A saying you shout when you hear a loud obnoxious car driving on a calm road
Johnny and Andrew were eating outside when they heard a loud car zoom past. They both yelled “Fall off your horse!”
by Parkingticket September 29, 2023
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Getting your ass handed to you by a group of Marines.
Guy 1: Did you hear about that guy that stabbed the Marine?
Guy 2: Yeah, didn't he "fall off the curb?"
Guy 1: Sure did, some Marines helped!
by enim frater June 15, 2012
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