1. Something you say to someone when they are wrong. (See example 1).

2. Something you say before you do something epic. (See example 2).
1. Steve, what's the square root of 4?
Steve: Uhh, 3?
Other guy: No, idiot, it's 2! Drink it!

2. Before Tom dived into the pool, he yelled, "Drink it!"
by hopedreamlovetrust June 30, 2009
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The simplest drinking game in the world, and also the most efficient. Basically the rules are you tell someone to drink, and they drink. If they stall they have to drink twice. You can't make someone drink while they're already drinking or while you're drinking. Last one standing wins.
5 minutes of Drink! fucked me up far worse than 5 hours of Captain Beef.
by Nick D November 3, 2003
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Drink it means anything in the world. It is usually said when you know you are write and the other person is wrong and you want to confirm this with them. You tell them to "Drink It" because they are a disgrace for being wrong.
Tom: Steve whats 2+2?
Steve: 2+2 is 5
Tom: your so stupid, its 4 Steve... DRINK IT
Steve: Ahh nutsack
by no2rious big April 7, 2009
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intoxication to the point that when you try to proclaim you are drunk, you proclaim that you are drinked.
"Hey guys, I'm drinked!"
by Miss Cutta May 13, 2007
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They were drinking cherry rum in science class and I tried to stop them but they wouldn’t listen
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Similar to popular video game "Dance Dance Revolution," except that after you play it, you will likely wake up the following morning in a shady motel room wearing a stewardess uniform.
I played Drink Drink Revolution the other night.
by SirGangstaLot October 5, 2005
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when a man named CHARLIE sheen drinks and smokes too much and says that donold trump should be president.
nlrgaaa nirga nirgaaaa drink drink drink
by saywhayo April 28, 2011
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