Counter Strike.....

The reason why most gamers are single!

Joanna: Hey baby, you wanna go to dinner and catch a movie?
Jack: No I can't I have to play counter strike.
Joanna: WTF! It's just a game!
Jake: It's a commitment! Be happy I don't play World of Warcraft.
Joanna: Fuck off
by hippitydippity April 12, 2009
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the funnest game ever. I just got it a week ago and i played 10 straight hours in one day.
this game is fucking awesome
i'm not even a gamer and i played counter strike 10 straight hours
by dakilabillafofilla July 27, 2006
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One of the greatest FPS of all time, despite it's bad rep for hackers, 10 year olds and anonomous imature shit talkers. Alot of people dont like it because they dont have the skill and brains to play it so they would rather play easy, braindead games like Halo2. Then on Xbox live they run into even more cheaters, 10 year olds and immature, anonomous shit talkers.
Idiotic Xbox casual gamer- OMG wtf is up with all the hackers and 10 year olds playing Counter-Strike. Im already too simple minded to play this game and now I have to deal with THIS.

Me- Get over it. Theres hella cheaters that play Halo2 on Xbox live and dont even get me started on how many little kids play that shit.
by Skill and Tactics September 12, 2005
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A game which openly promoted terrorism for decades. Nobody got real terms for this in the USA.

CIA and FBI must be really happy about this.
Counter-Strike championships must be called terrorism promos.
by Barkingdog October 5, 2023
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The best Tactical Shooter FPS Series of all time. It has the perfect blend of skill, aim, twitch movements, patience, teamwork and strategy.
Glorious Gamer Guy #1: Do you play the best Tactical Shooter FPS?
Glorious Gamer Guy #2: You mean Counter-Strike? Yeah.
by clarissajohnson94 June 11, 2014
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The only fps that isn't like cod
person 2: Shut up
by MrFoxMan June 16, 2016
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Pretty kick ass game, as long as you don't get too hooked up on it.
Be a PUB god. (one who does not take the game seriously, only plays for fun.)
Treat it like old school UT.
Person1: Hey dude, wanna play some CS?
Person2: Sure man, lemme just get "persons 3-6" and we'll chill.
by d00d3r May 9, 2003
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