To press two butt holes together and shitting in the opposite person's butt hole.
Oh that was fun, let's do it again.
by bryan April 30, 2004
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Something so spicy that when you poop your butt hole is on fire.
by FlyingKitty February 2, 2019
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1. The act of your waitress/server loading your spit cup.
2. Getting punched in the butt...
Hey Hannah can you butt-hole punch that spitter for me! Is that really to much to ask?!?
by TheFixerofOne July 12, 2019
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A term for a homosexual. When you shove your thing into another guy's behind, you rip some of his butt hole hair out which is lining the outside of his asshole as you push your thing in. This is a butt hole barber.
That prison shave was mighty fine, I feel like a new man! All you need to do is go to the showers to the local butt hole barber. Best of all, it's free!
by Cave Water October 20, 2020
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(noun) An anus which does not actually exist in the real world, but is often subjected to abuse.
Man, after getting raped by the physics test, my figurative butt-hole is sooo loose
by TransPM February 23, 2012
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When you suck on their asshole and it turns red. It kinda looks like a red starfish!
Damn dude, I tried a butt hole hickey on my girl, and her asshole was so red.
by KrazHD February 27, 2017
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