To be put in the pin, in the cell, jail cell.
Chris: Where's christian at?
Danny: Someone snitched him out and now he's locked up in the box
by ilickyousuck September 24, 2012
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Someone that’s rich
Me: Have you seen John’s new ride it’s hella lit

Hriend: I’m not surprised I heard he’s a boxed kid
by Thatfairgirl March 5, 2019
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box- here where i come from its used to describe female genitalia, snatch, puss, pussy, vagina,v,or whatever u wanna call it.
"she has a tight wet pink box"
by LINZ& JESS August 6, 2004
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Whilst having an argument with a person your opponent says the words "And no buts, or ifs", and you cannot show your point without saying these words, you have been but-boxed.

This either leads to pointless arguments or the ending of one, where the but-boxed person admits defeat.
"Tell me did you sleep with Sarah"
"Yeah but.."
"No ifs or buts"
"I just got but-boxed"
by denman95 January 31, 2009
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Prank usually done by teenagers where you get two big boxes and put holes for eyes in them and ding dong ditch the people's house while inside the box. Then when the victim opens up the door thinking its a package. But then you run in the box back to your getaway car whilst all they see is a persons legs coming out of the bottom of a box. Originally invented in Midland, Michigan.
by Unknow kid September 27, 2009
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the stage between being a 'thing' and dating. you're basically a couple but the guy has no balls to put a label on it.
"Is Dylan dating him?" "No, they're in the box."
by coolio16 November 4, 2018
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The trick ass bitch outside the club "The Gate" took attitude with me so I decided we needed to box to settle things. I laid her out on her fat shit-talking ass!
by Juana "I'm half Mexican" Hill October 11, 2005
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