to vomit in the projectile style.
may contain traces of carrot and nut.
12 beers later is generally the best example
by fez_fez May 9, 2005
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Derogatory slang for someone of Samoan ethnicity.
by MFox March 23, 2007
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Racist term for a black guy. I have no idea why, maybe because there are guys called "Bootblacks" that shine shoes.
Yesterday i got robbed by a couple of boots.
by Mikey March 2, 2005
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to fire or be fired... from a job
"The boss was so pissed off with me, he gave me the boot"
by callandanswer December 25, 2007
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A girl who looks like she got kicked in the face with a boot
by Estar4You March 6, 2006
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