"Hey, it was great spending time with your wife the other day."
by NickBurns November 18, 2003
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A term to decribe a large group of mainly African-American males in which a woman has slept around, frequently.
Oh that bitch, yeah she's been around the yard.
by Greg Lautz August 8, 2010
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simply put: to have sex ; usually used in the ghetto neighborhoods of dallas
Mickey and Johnny were yarding in her parent's bedroom last night.
by Nerissa Torrez September 25, 2007
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3 foot hard on, could be used as a cruel term for someone who is morally "the biggest dick".
John is the biggest "Yard On" in the world, he tells me were going to go to the movies than takes another chick out to dinner!
by Streetpolitician March 24, 2011
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"Didja know a gram of powder (cocaine) is gonna cost ya at least a yard up in Canada?"
by Mycos February 9, 2016
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1.) The act of an individual or group of people ingesting large quantities of illicit substances.

2.) The act of an individual or group of people dancing in such a way that when viewed from a 3rd party seems to be 'out-of-control'.
3.) To be 'yarded' requires the presence of extremely loud music encapsulated in the electronic/rave music scene.
4.) A true 'yarder' must adhere to the hardcore life style of; "Don't ask, Don't tell" and "Money talks, bullshit walks"
5.) A true 'yardian' must be prepared to 'blame the 'dubstep' and except the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
Junkie1 "Hey man, what's good tonight?"
Junkie2 "Not too much probably just going to go to a keg party. What are you doing?"
Junkie1 "I think i might go get yarded if you want in."
Junkie2 "I'm a little scared, last time we yarded someone fell off the roof."
Junkie1 "Word. So you down?"
Junkie2 "Live fast die young"
by RubberDuckieJunkie January 25, 2011
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