A word that can only be used by people who are Texas residents, and no one else. It's not a meme, it's just a fucking word. People who use y'all and live in England, you are not trying to be funny, you are just being assholes who hold cups of tea like douches. Yes, that's right, I just called out England, so what? Also, if you don't know what Texas is, then you Google it.
British douche-bag on the streets of Austin: Why do y'all like Iced tea so much. Y'all should have warm tea as a norm.
Every Texas resident dead and alive: ....
by AB365 October 22, 2017
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Associated with U.S. southern dialect when addressing a group or more than a single person. However, increasingly used as an informal, softended singular pronoun well - "Y'all come back now." as opposed to - "Hey come back here!"

Also increasingly used as a gender neutral alternative to "guys" - Hey y'all, when are we gonna leave? Y'all wanna get some food?
Y'all come back now

Y'all wanna get some food?

How Y'all doin?
by JJese November 26, 2016
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Wyoming hick form of "you all"
"Did y'all step in a cow pie, it stinks in here."
by Kimber Crawford February 23, 2004
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Y'all: A term used to signify usually at least 2 people. Derived from white-trash term of same spelling. Has formed a use of it's own.
"Hey y'all! What's happenin'?"
by G. M.-H. May 28, 2003
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Translates to you all. People think it's cool to say but it really makes them sound like uneducated niggers. Hey, I guess that's the American way though since the younger generations are so fuckin stupid. Everytime I hear it I point and laugh at the dumbass monkey who spewed it from its mouth.
by I hate generation Y-ers April 24, 2018
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1) A contraction of “you all”.

2) A word usually either said by black people or a lone white guy in the company of blacks.

3) A word with a lot of bizarre definitions on Urban Dictionary.
Aside from Florida, I’ve never stepped foot in the south in my life. However, I hear and say the word “y'all” every day at work.
by Forever Remain May 25, 2009
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How the fuck can y'all not understand what y'all means?
by Chavemaker19 January 17, 2021
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