getting shit done, fucking, having sex, doing anything proactive
If justin gets his dick sucked, while fingering another girl hes "whamming 'em"

"Whammin 'em"

"Are you whammin 'em?'
by suark21 December 30, 2011
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Oh my. Choose life shirts sure do look cute on George Michael!
Ray: "Hey, Bob, hear the latest "Wham" single?"
Bob: "Nope. Hey Ray, is that a hole in your head?"
Ray: "Huh?"
by Dr. Rock Redford Detroit January 16, 2004
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1. (Adjective)- Bammer, shitty, swag, shitty, crappy, cheesy, off-point,wack, awful,gay.
2. (noun) Bad weed.

3.(noun) A Bad experience or moment in time.
1. Mike- "Those hos are wham! One of them has camel toe and the other is a hefer."
2. Mo- "Did you get that weed from beanie mike? That shit was some wham. It was brown and contained no crystals. totally whammer."
3. Tanya- "That party last night was wham. There was no alcohol but an abundance of crackheads."
by martdeeze February 12, 2007
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A really cheesy and annoying 80s pop group that made george michael a gaylord
wake me up befor eyou go-go is so gay.
by Brother Number One August 13, 2005
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Dude, that thing you just did was so gay. Straight up WHAM!
by Turkish November 30, 2003
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WHAM - Small football club from East London which support extending all the way to Essex (still better supported than Chelsea) Very appropriately share their name with a gay pop group from the 1980s.
WHAM are parading their trophey around Dagenham. Did they finish 6th in the Championship again??
by Qwerty123 January 16, 2006
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