Tom seems perfect in every way... but he's a player. He'll pretend to love you like crazy when he's bored with nothing else to do, but when he finds someone else to talk to, you'll be ignored. If you call him on it he'll make up an excuse, but by the 5th time he uses an excuse you know he really is just a player. If you already fell for Tom and he does this, then you're screwed- you'll still love him anyway!
girl: that guy was great last night, but now he's totally blowing me off!
girl 2: he sounds like a Tom!
by What-a-faggot June 22, 2014
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Tom's can often be the world's greatest people. They are funny and good looking, although they don't think they are.

Often seen without the shirt on due to their unbelievebly good phisique.

They are well known for having loads of friends and always being up for a laugh.
Girl: OMG did you see that guy's body on TV the other day?

Girl 2: Yeah - he was such a Tom!
by liverpoolfcforlife October 1, 2010
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Tom is perfect And I’m lucky to have him
by MARKRM May 31, 2019
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Usually a very skinny man...likes pretending he gets pussy. Really, he is the pussy. Also a Tom is similar to a Jerry, meaning he's somewhat of a fuckup but he has good intentions.
Look at that really skinny Tom over there, he just got his ass whooped by a little kid.
by suckitsociety January 3, 2016
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Medium-long brown haired guy. Typically is pretty chill. Life motto is “if you can’t change it why worry and if you can change it why worry” pretty ok dude
My brother’s roommate is Tom.
by Ehenshens July 15, 2021
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An amazing guy who has your best interest at heart, hes sweet and caring and smart, hes strong and hes hot any girl would be lucky to date him. he is an awesome friend hes funny and wwitty and always up for an adventure. and the best boyfriend ever.
by cwahtahs September 24, 2011
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The best boyfriend a girl can ask for. Will do anything for you and will love you with all his heart. Any girl who dates him will be the happiest girl on the planet.

Advised for: Raelynn
= Tom your awesome
by tom-ass the train April 5, 2011
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