Professional. To say that an object, something you did or have done, ect. was really awesome or cool.
"Thats pro."
"Look at this pro candy bar!"
by Danielle. =) May 24, 2007
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Did you hear what he just said? So in a pro pro.
by Caitmh December 7, 2010
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Nickname used for stuck-up people who think that they're better than others in every or most ways, shape, or form. "Pro's" are complete assholes who care only for themselves or just have no disregard for anyone. Pretty much, he's a cunt and loves to fuck any girl he sees. Some, but not all, traits may be included: racist, asshole, unsuccessful man-whore, "emo", and stuck-up prick. If you ever meet a "Pro", be warned: he is definitely NOT one to befriend, or at least TALK to. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE!
Guy: "Hey, do you remember that guy, Pro?"

Girl: "Yeah, he was such a dick. He actually tried getting me in bed. Ha!"

Guy: "Ha ha! What an ass."


Guy & Girl: "..."
by PingasPlz March 18, 2011
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To define your superiority over someone after shitting on them in a battle of wits. Usually accompanied by the clicking of fingers which then turn into a finger pointing at your opponents face at close range
*clicks fingers and points right on foes nose* "PRO!"
by FredWest November 24, 2003
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One who makes a perfect shot on either an opponent or teammate.
1. omg imaznation dk and tk, pro~
2. VNS! pro~
by ftch March 10, 2005
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Someone who thinks everyone is doing it wrong and that he's the only one who is doing it right.
1: Oh, look it's the pro at it again.
2: Ya, he could go fuck himself the right way.
by Sevhakop August 14, 2008
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