Person who is obsessed with their fashion/swag.
1) Scene kids are swaggots.

2) Modern rap is all about how much money you have and how big of a swaggot you are.

3) No one in the corner is a swaggot like you.
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noun; (swag + faggot)

1. Any individual, usually an illiterate rapper like Lil'B or a fan of Lil'B, who constantly mouth barfs the term "swag" in excess hoping to sound cool, when in fact they sound like a total douche fag.

2. Lil' B and Lil' B fans

3. Secretly gay Swedish meatballs.

Guy 1: "Hey man, where is the nearest gas station?"

Guy 2: "Alright, swag, go down two blocks that way, swag, take a right, swag, at the Blimpie, swag, and swag, swag, swag, swag, swag, swag, go five more blocks, swag..."

Guy 1: "Go suck a sack of nickels you fucking swaggot!"


McDonald's Manager: "I love Lil'B because he's totally swagged out."

Down Syndrome McDonald's Employee: He's a a sweet in the ass swaggot.


Girl A: "These meatballs are good, but they taste kinda gay."

Girl B: "They actin' like some swaggot ass meatballs."
by HONKYSAUCE February 7, 2013
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any idiot who thinks they have a ton of swag or uses the word swag like its part of life!!! to sum it up any person who uses the word swag in any way!!!!!
check out my swag for today!!!

I have more swag drippin off me then anyone!!!

and so on if u talk like that you are a swaggot!!!!
by Dj-Bruce Wayne December 1, 2011
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A person that thinks that they are full of swag just because they wear designer clothing, their parents spoil them, they have an iPhone, they drive their parents car around, or just because they play sports. These people will listen to pop music, and think that this genre of music is the best genre of music. The people they will orgasm over are: Taylor Swift, Trash Rapers, Girls that upload annoying love songs on youtube because their boyfriend doesn't love them or just because they have a mental illness, and other "top" pop music writers. These people will constantly be on their iPhone which they praise to be the best smart phone on the market, but anyone with a brain knows that isn't true. They will devote their time to such apps as: Facebook, instegram, and snap chat. They will pretend they have real lives just because they have a social media account that they see as important. These people are very often disrespectful and very aggressive. They will spread rumors and create lies just to advance their ranking in the pointless game of popularity which will not advantage them in their future. They will converse in conversations that are about: Sports {overly too much I mean}, pop culture, gossip, the latest pop songs, Taylor Swift, and their social media updates. These people care so much about their physical image that they will only wear designer clothing.
That kid Brad is so cool, though he is a swaggot.
by Arcgangelmichael December 13, 2014
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A lad that thinks he has swag, but is a complete faggot. The lad may walk like he has peed his pants - this is a typical sign of someone who thinks they have swag, but instead look like idiots.
Person 1:
"Hey, that guy is walking so stupidly, and what's with all the hair product?!"

Person 2:
"What a swaggot!"
by ktstz October 13, 2013
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A kid that wears skinny jeans, wears snap backs, and constantly says swag as if they actually have any... but they clearly don't.
Look at that kid with a knit cap, plaid shorts, and an LRG shirt!

Oh my god, and those retro shades? What a swaggot!
by allenjr16 May 15, 2014
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Using the words swag, yolo, or gratata in the same sentence while posting a video to vine with you shirt off.
Did you see that yolo-swaggot post his vine video the other day? He said, "That FuFu lame shit I ain't with it. I'll send some shots at your fitted. Gratata. Swag."
by Truth In Lies June 29, 2014
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