(verb) - To play the video game Strider (noun). Specifically, to speedrun the console version of the game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

(noun) - A 2D platformer released by Capcom in 1989 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
(verb) - I learned to Strider by watching someone else do it on Twitch.

(noun) - I found a copy of Strider for sale at The Exchange, do you want me to pick it up for you?
by Elipsis April 5, 2018
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Every office has a high performing outlier, the diligent employee that maximises efficiency by taking longer than normal paces to shave precious milliseconds off a commute to the photocopier.
The Strider will make it happen, Robert isn't one to piss about.
by NZS3910 December 9, 2021
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A niké.

That's all ther is to it.
SHADEY STRIDER: have you seen my purse?
DAVE STRIDER: * best btother ever * shut up nike
by TheBestBigBrotherEver December 3, 2013
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Drinking alone in the darkest corner of the bar, like Aragorn at The Prancing Pony.
Look at that antisocial motherfucker just stridering over there.
by MalakaiUndying November 29, 2020
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