Drunk as fuck! Probably on crack or some shit. Pretty high though, maybe a few drinks.
by KermitZeeFrog June 27, 2018
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When millions of people throw stones at you and your body then adsorbs them
“I got so stoned last night. The kind where people throw stones at you.”
by UrbanJohn07 May 24, 2018
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After smoking enough marijuana the user cant move cant think or communicate... as if they were just clubbed in the head with a stone
Dude... i tried to do my math assignment while i was stoned... IMPOSSIBLE.
by Agentsmith111292 June 8, 2010
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The state of being repeatedly hit in the head or any other place on your body with stones. The state of being "stoned" is usually a result of a "stoning". Getting stoned SUCKS, and hurts like a bitch.
Charles: Dude what happened!? You have bruises and cuts everywhere!
White Supremacist: Yeah man, I was in front of the NCAAP doing some chants and.... well lets just say i got stoned.
Charles: Weird...
by SealingPhan April 18, 2009
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All 72 of the other definitions do apply by circumbstance or situation of using various drugs including marijuana, alcohol, any one of the illegal drugs including amphetimines, LSD, cocaine, crack or what ever drug is popular with an age group but at the same time used to define your own state of mind do to all the causes above but can include extreme exhaustion. However some people maybe 'stoned' by those definitions but otherwise act normal.
I am so stoned it was gospel", "I was stoned silly but no one could tell", "Used eyedrops to hide the redness but no one could tell i was stoned
by Urban Sage June 26, 2011
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1. when high, usually high with marijuana.
2. The highest rating you can give something
1. Donald seems really stoned today.
2. that movie last night was stoned.
by Urfaaace January 2, 2017
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The 3rd stage of being high (the 1st buzzed, 2nd high).
Reaching a level of being stoned, is usually achieved after smoking a good amount of weed. example, a few bowl packs, a blunt, a few joints, or a few bong packs. Easily the best feeling in the world.
I was so stoned last night, i smoke a blunt and 3 bowl packs!

-Lets get stoned
-but we only have one bowl pack
-its cool i have a bag
by KFRESHHH July 28, 2009
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