the best reason yet to get a circumcision
Susan said, "Do I have smegma on my teeth?"
by Jake E. Pants May 15, 2002
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The infected, greasy, stanky, clumpped-up, egg yolk colored, residukes from having foreskin and not being cleaned on a regular basis is called SMEGMA.
Jose, after working in the fields and having sex with two fat burrito makers, had to wipe the smegma off his penis head b/c the rank stank knocked out 2 other fruit workers. Also, stuff that hookers eat at buffets.
by jgiddy99 December 19, 2006
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the nasty crudy gunk that forms underneath the foreskin of an uncircumsised penis
Dick finished cleaning the smegma out of his willy before he persued in sexual intercourse with his partner.
by Joey Edmonds October 2, 2006
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bi-product of an uncircumcised, silly looking, un-kept, weird chode
"Hey man, check out the build of of smegma gathering on and around Guiermo's chode. Had that chode been properly fashioned he wouldn't have such issues. Good luck getting that thing sucked"
by Numero Dos April 16, 2010
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Served as a delicacy in the Philippines as "Lok-Lok." Lightly smothered on top of a crispy sesame cracker, and thin slices of the finest beef pizzle available in the country, a wad of freshly grown smegma is cultivated from the finest soldiers of the Philippine military for a pungeunt kick.
Damn son, this "Lok-Lok" is off the pizzle!

This Philippine delicacy is really delicious!

Excuse me, may I have some fresh smegma on my "Lok-Lok?"

Hey Alex, let's go paintballing....and then grab us some "Lok-Lok!"
by Mr. Reyes July 11, 2008
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a build of crusty cheese round the bellend ellis campbell has it dirty bastard
errr you have smegma dirty bastard clean ya cock
by mc badman October 23, 2007
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a delicious and yummy cheese that collects on a man's twang and is loved by every woman in the world.
Hello, this is my boyfriend, Jared, and his smegma is the most yummylicious thing ever!
by SAYRUHGAYRUH November 13, 2006
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