Someone who bamboozles you into buying rubbish.

If you ever go to the market and the salesman tells you that his item is of "great quality," and then you leave thinking that you just had a good deal but 4 days later you realize that you purchased a worthless piece of shit, then you have been swindled by a Serbian salesman.
"Milos, you asshole Serbian Salesman, you told me this backpack would last me a lifetime and the next day my books fell through the bottom. Take a shower you asshole and NO, I will not have sex with your stinky wife in compensation."
by LaWhyno July 20, 2009
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To constantly bug people to get something you have that you don't want and constantly reject you
Mary: did you see him
Jenny: yeah the guy that was being such a Doritos salesman like he can be such a thot and I'm sure glad he's not my bae
Mary: Ikr PREACH girl!!!!
by Used dental floss April 10, 2014
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A man dressed as a wizard, with many dogs on leads all around him. He can stop time in order to try and sell you a dog.
"Shit man, time has stopped for no apparent reason! what is going on?" *dog salesman appears with multiple dogs* "Would you like to purchase this dog young sir?" "why of course, are you doing a buy one get one tree special offer?" "why yes, i am... you can have this brown dog and a tree for only £3.99" "i'll take it!" *dog salesman disapears. Time Resumes*
by Earlobe manipulation expert. October 22, 2008
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A gigantic douche bag. WAY beyond the realm of simply being a douche. A purveyor of douche bags. One who specializes in the sale of feminine hygiene products.
Person one: My ex boyfriend called last night and asked me out for a drink.

Person two: I can't believe you're going to hang out with that Summer's Eve Salesman again.
by Annahoj May 16, 2007
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Someone that peddles cheap plastic shit to supermarkets, food processors and some distributors (but sells direct around them as much as possible). Probably works for one of several whacked out family owned outfits in the Mid-West or Detroit/Southfield area. Generally speaking, a disenfranchised plastic salesman is micromanaged, not to be trusted and demoralized on a routine basis. Common tactics used to keep a disenfranchised plastic salesman down are call reports, routine phone calls questioning their whereabouts, itineraries and installing Satellite GPS units in company vehicles, which promote activity not productivity.
Al Bundy, the shoe salesman from the hit tv show Married With Children, would have been a disenfranchised plastic salesman if only he tried to sell plastic.
by Cincy Lovah October 20, 2011
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The stife ass dude who sits around Hyrule tripping on magic beans that cost more everytime you buy them. He is probably the chillest dude in all of Hyrule.
Guy: Dude I just copped a fat Magic Bean from that Magic Bean Salesman. We can go plant it and pull a sword out of the ground so that seven years later we can fly around on a big leaf!
Guy 2: Are you sure that you just planted it?
by fuzzy473 September 9, 2009
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Someone who fast-talks a line of canned bullshit, convinced that those who hear it take it as gospel truth.
All the people in the office laughingly referred to the Director of Support as "the vacuum-cleaner salesman" because she was such a transparent liar.
by LaughingAllTheWay February 6, 2011
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