A fire ass song by rap artist Lil Yachty (lil boat) that has been released on October 11th 2022. This song currently has the world in a chokehold.
When poland or cough syrup is brought up in a conversation:
by TonyPatrony October 16, 2022
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Little weak defenseless land sandwhiched between superpowers Germany and Russia. The Germans and the Soviets fought for control of this land during WWI, and the Polish acted as a high school girl who would go home with the jock who won the fight. They have been punked by Germany and Russia throughout their existence. They once tried to rebel against the Soviet Union but were bitch slapped before they even had a chance to speak and forced to get on their knees, beg for forgiveness, kiss the Soviets feet and swear their loyalty to the Warsaw Pact. They can also be compared to the weak little nerd in high school that gets bullied by the cool kids.
Your brother took your car and your girl? Man are you from Poland or something?
by Chriscoolkatt May 14, 2010
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A country that saved the western world four times in a row yet nobody seems to care.
1410: Poland ends German domination over Europe that had existed for hundreds of years.

1683: Poland saves Europe from becoming muslim.

1920: Poland saves Europe from becoming communist.

1940: Poland saves England from falling to Adolf Hitler.

Internet: "haha, polen weak and cannot into space!"
by ayylmao42069 January 18, 2023
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I took the wooooOOOOOoock to Poland
by mattyboy658 October 6, 2022
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Lil Yachty took the wooooooooooock here. This is the only reason why it exists
Person 1: Lil yachty took the who to Poland?
Person 2: He took the wooooooooooock to Poland.
Lil Yachty: I took the wooooooooooock to poland.
by Big Black Monkey Balls October 25, 2022
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Yeah Russia is cool, but it's got nothing on Poland
by SmolBolBritain December 28, 2021
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