it’s like pepsi, but bismal.
bro 1: “man, i could really go for some pepsi rn.”

bro 2: “you like regular pepsi??? nah nah nah pepto-bismol is where it’s AT”

bro 1: “yk, actually, you so real for that fr that’s straight facts bro straight einstein speaking thru u type shi frfr like for real you a genius”
by googooballsO_O November 6, 2023
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The type of person that has reached a whole new level of annoyance that you can litteraly predict and feel the cancer radiating from their skin. They are also huge band-wagons and enjoy spamming dead memes; radioactive Normie.
I met my first Pepto-Bismol and I wish I never did. His name is Tristan and he is so painfully average I just want to jump off a bridge.
by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020
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A hangover cure consisting of 3 ounces of Pepto-Bismol and 3 ounces of Popov vodka.
I had too many coldbeers last night.

I need a Pepto-Pop pronto.
by Swyfty Swyf July 8, 2009
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