An expression used while trying to come to an agreement with someone who is asking too much.
Person 1: I'll give you my watch if you don't ever tell anyone about this.
Person 2: I want the pants too.
Person 1: Oh, you're really breaking my balls here.
by LimeintheCoconut January 7, 2008
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1. When someone is sarcastically leading you to believe something that is false.

2. Giving someone a hard time. (Razzin your balls)
Steve: Man, I got so much action last night!
David: Whoa, really dude?
Steve: Nah, I'm just razzin your balls.
David: Ahh Steve, stop razzin my balls man.
by theindiearmy March 15, 2011
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1. When a girl is riding you and she shits (whether accidentally or intentionally) on your balls. This is considered to be the greatest fear of select men.

2. Can also be said when something unexpected or bad happens.
1. Guy 1: This girl was riding me like stallion and her ass aids landed right on my testicles.

Guy 2: Wow... Did you rub her face in it so she knew not to do it again?

2. Shit on my balls I just stubbed my toe.
by Berkut143346 May 17, 2010
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One of the first internet memes, the "Ate My Balls" websites consisted of low resolution pictures of various celebrities discussing their enthusiasm for ball-eating. It all began with "Mr. T Ate My Balls,' a site created by a University of Illinois student in 1996 that soon spawned several knock-off sites such as Homer Simpson Ate My Balls, Chewbacca Ate My Balls, Hello Kitty Ate My Balls, Bill Gates Bought My Balls.....
If you were a student in the l990s, you probably remember the "Ate My Balls" websites.
by Medicine Show September 11, 2011
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To not give a fuck about Justin Bieber. Synonyms: Bieber can suck my balls, Bieber Likes Balls, Bieber Mis Huevos
Bieber Fan: have you heard of the new song by Justin Bieber
G: Bieber my balls, i dont give a fuck
by sh4rk September 22, 2011
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Phrase used to describe a disappointing situation. Like you got all excited for it and it wasn't all that great.
You: This party sucks!
Me: Yeah, I don't know why I shaved my balls for this!
by Some wiseman January 2, 2015
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to cause a vacuum with ones mouth around the testicular sack (scrotum)
by Phil Clarke August 4, 2003
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