The genitals of a human male or dog
Jennifer laughed after she saw Ryan's nubbins because they resembled raisins.

Did you see the size of those nubbins on that great dane!
by J. Bereckis October 20, 2006
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someone who has stumps where their arms or legs should be.
that lady has a nubbin! get a pegleg
by nubbin monster September 13, 2009
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a child or someone younger than you
you see a puppy
"what a cute little nubbin!"

nubbin "i don't have an ID i can't go to the club with you guys"
person "oh sucks, NUBBIN"
by hipkie June 15, 2011
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Another name for a noob/nub/nublet. Someone who is new at something a sucks horribly at it.
Some kid named Justin Heimbach.
by matt January 30, 2005
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Nubbin': (Also known as afterpain) Is an intense nuckle punch leading to severe pain or handicap after about 10 seconds of receiving the nubbin'.

A nubbin' is given by bending the middelfinger and the index finger and preferably punching the recipient in the shoulder, all though most other boney places should give the same effect.
Nina: Guess what i have i my hands!

Anna: i dont know, what?

Nina: NUBBIN'S!!!

Anna: HA! That didn't even hurt

Nina: Wait for iiittt.....


Nina: Theeere we go.
by Nubbin411 January 17, 2013
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1.very small hemmoroid protruding from the anus 2. the early stages of hemmoriods
I think I felt a nubbin when I was wiping my ass.
by freddy grapes April 24, 2006
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a derogatory word used to describe a particularly bad date.
omg, amy, last night's date was such a nubbins. no reason to write him in ink.
by alex02116 January 12, 2009
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